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Monday, September 22, 2014

Grown-up stuff and fun sh*t

I'm in the midst of refinancing my home for the third time and just writing those words and saying them out loud makes me feel like I'm masquerading as an adult.  Are you like me in that you catch yourself wondering when you grew up? Most of the time I feel like I did when I was in my twenties only with far greater self-confidence now than I ever possessed then.  

I first experienced that "Who AM I?" feeling when I was newly married and saying the words "my husband" felt alien. Then as a young mother having conversations with other young mothers at the park I would go home and lament discussing baby food brands and preschools because I felt like a suburban cliche. Was this all my life would ever be? For a long time I lived on auto-pilot, working and being a wife and mother and carving out time for myself meant squeezing in a trip to the gym or the nail salon.  It wasn't until after my cancer treatment that I actively pursued fun.

It started with a girl getaway weekend to Atlanta on my birthday two years after my treatment ended that immediately became annual and often semi-annual. The getaways without my husband increased and eventually led to the downfall of my marriage, which in my mind had ended years before.  Once I got my official green light from the judge and my divorce was final, life really began anew for me.  

I began traveling the world and writing for local magazines, dating and cultivating a regular social life with friends old and new, and continuing to pursue new interests.  I am a firm believer that we all reap what we sow, and living well and keeping life balanced makes me happy. 

Recently I won a 51" HDTV at my local bar during Monday Night Football.  As I never win anything in my life I was ridiculously excited at such a prize. I have my theories about luck. Another thing happening is this past year I have been struggling with a major home renovation that needs to be done.  Having lost my dad last year I felt really overwhelmed during the process of finding a contractor as he was always a huge source of comfort to me in helping with such big decisions.  After much searching I now have a contractor with a plan that suits my needs and budget and work begins next week. A prize TV, saving money with a refi and home renovation... I believe these things are falling into place because of the energy I send out.

This Thursday I am going to Derek Jeter's last game at Yankee Stadium and about that my friend said to me recently, "Wow, you just travel around the world doing fun shit!"  It may seem that way, and I certainly do squeeze a lot of fun into my life, but that's only because I make enjoying life a priority.  Come to my house any night of the week when I'm cooking dinner, making lunches, doing laundry and supervising homework.  You'll be stunned by the glamour of it all. Follow my car back and forth from school to playing fields to chauffering my girls to parties.  It's a thrill a minute.  But those routines are integral to raising well-adjusted kids and ensuring that they get to do their fun stuff, too.  When they're happy, I'm happy and we're all adding to the good energy vibe of the planet.

So take a lesson from me and make sure you're doing enough fun sh*t amid your grown-up stuff.  Thank me later.  ğŸ˜˜

There I am enjoying champagne in Monte Carlo - life really is good...because I make it that way. 

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